Tag Archives: News

Coke to phase out Vanilla Coke

I personally don’t care for lemon or vanilla coke, but why do we need a paragraph long name for a coke?

“Coca-Cola added that it plans to introduce Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke and Black Cherry Vanilla Coke in the United States in January 2006.”

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Sony DRM is worse than you might think

By Charlie Demerjian: Thursday 03 November 2005, 09:40
SONY SCREWED UP WITH its rights removal to protect its profit margins philosophy and there is no way the use of rootkits can be justified.

Caught with its pants down, what did it do? Make things right? Heck no, it blamed the user, and doesn’t do anything more than window dressing to deflect what are valid criticisms.
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DEBRA Hall’s unusual new business is all thanks to casting a spell – quite literally.

And while the American may have chosen to launch her shop the Wiccan’s Whisper in the month of Halloween, that’s where the similarity between this modern-day witch and the scary story book creations ends.
Debra had struggled from job to job when she decided to use her powers as a white witch to cast a spell for help and direction. The result was a market stall, which then led to her setting up the Copley Road business.
Continue reading DEBRA Hall’s unusual new business is all thanks to casting a spell – quite literally.

Witchcraft trends need to be faced, says author

(SH) – The witches ball included the midnight spinning of the “Wheel of the Year” and a chance to gaze into the “Fire of Transformation” before the faithful were guided into the “Underworld and our Ritual Space.”

The Samhain celebration last weekend in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., also included deejay music, dancing, door prizes and fun for the children.

“No photos at rituals! Some of us are still closeted,” said the online invitation from the MoonPath Chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. “Perhaps it’s time to come out of the broom closet?”

There were plenty of signs this Halloween season that more witches and wizards are doing precisely that.

Are there SpiralScouts circles in your area offering pagan parents an alternative to the rigid morality of the Boy Scouts? Have teenagers formed reading clubs at school to dig into popular books like “Wild Girls: The Path of the Young Goddess” and “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft”?
Continue reading Witchcraft trends need to be faced, says author

Wiccan fights for religious freedom

DERBY — Make-believe witches may worry most about not getting enough chocolate today. But a real-life witch has her hands full with more pressing matters.

Alicia Folberth, a Wiccan high priestess, has persuaded the state Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities to review her complaint last June that she was fired, ostensibly because of her need for time off to practice her faith.
Continue reading Wiccan fights for religious freedom