God that sucks.
Tag Archives: News
Bill Gates: “Google is our main competitor…”
“We are not afraid of Google, but there is intense competition between us. Google is our main competitor, brilliant people work there, but Internet search engines are still in a terrible state compared to where they could be,” Gates was quoted as saying in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot.
read more | digg storyMeet the white witch of Harlow
The law still wrestles with witchcraft
“With Halloween less than a week away, the 21st century is nearly five years old.
Yet in our age of the Internet and laser surgery and space travel and extreme makeovers, witches and witchcraft continue to fascinate. For instance, when I googled “witchcraft” on my PC, Google came back with 26,001 Web sites. ”
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MySQL 5.0 Final released.
I’ve been going back and forth between this and 4.x for awhile. Now it’s finally gold
read more | digg storyWiccans: ‘Harm None’: A witch’s story of volunteering with the Red Cross in Louisiana
“Lofgren and her partner, Cynthia Shea of Niantic, had just returned from Slidell, La., where they spent two weeks with the Red Cross aiding hurricane victims. For Lofgren, her experience was a manifestation of her spiritual beliefs as a Wiccan.”
Growing the Seeds of Witchcraft
“In 1692, young girls were found dancing in the woods at night, screaming, convulsing, hallucinating, experiencing burning sensations, having a sense of flying out of their bodies and falling into trances — all symptoms of ergotism and as we know, bewitchment.”
Halloween conjures up a witchcraft conversation
The Bulletin – Religion & Faith
Issue: 10/21/05
Religious Commentary: Halloween conjures up a witchcraft conversation
By Kristin Deasy
As Gonzaga students prepare to open their doors and dorms to little witches, ghosts and ghouls this Halloween, perhaps it is an appropriate time to examine what magic really is and its effect on the Spokane community.
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Wiccans turn witch myths upside down
This is a real nice write up about what Wicca, and witchcraft is all about. 100% Certified to contain no fluff!
Transparent Aluminum
It appears that transparent aluminum has made the jump from trek fiction to fact.
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