AOLs instant messaging service has been hit by a virus which downloads spyware onto computers via a special website.
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High priestess speaks out on Wicca
By Liz Chretien
EPPING – High Priestess Maria Kay Simms of Kensington spoke to teens Friday about what it really means to be Wiccan as part of Teen Read Week at the Harvey Mitchell Memorial Library.
Simms, an astrologer and author of books including “The Witchs Circle,” “Time for Magick,” and “Moon Tides, Soul Passages,” said she normally prefers to keep a low profile in the community but chose to speak because of the importance of interested teens understanding the whole concept of Wicca.
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EAST HAVEN Amid books of spells and sticks of incense, a wooden sign in the front window of SubRosa Magick invites shoppers to “Come in, sit for a spell,” and owner Alicia Folberth hopes they will.
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George Takei Comes Out
“George Takei, better known as Mr. Sulu from three seasons (and six movies) of the hit TV series Star Trek, has casually come out in a new interview with Frontiers magazine. “Brads my partner, weve been together for 18 years,” Takei tells Frontiers. “Ive been ‘open,’ but I have not talked to the press.”
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Remote Control Device ‘Controls’ Humans
“We wield remote controls to turn things on and off, make them advance, make them halt. Ground-bound pilots use remotes to fly drone airplanes, soldiers to maneuver battlefield robots.
But manipulating humans?
Prepare to be remotely controlled. I was.
Just imagine being rendered the rough equivalent of a radio-controlled toy car. ”
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‘I use my iPod to store medical images’
Bill Gates: “Google is our main competitor…”
“We are not afraid of Google, but there is intense competition between us. Google is our main competitor, brilliant people work there, but Internet search engines are still in a terrible state compared to where they could be,” Gates was quoted as saying in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot.
read more | digg storyThe law still wrestles with witchcraft
“With Halloween less than a week away, the 21st century is nearly five years old.
Yet in our age of the Internet and laser surgery and space travel and extreme makeovers, witches and witchcraft continue to fascinate. For instance, when I googled “witchcraft” on my PC, Google came back with 26,001 Web sites. ”
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The Wiccan way of Halloween
It’s Oct. 31, Halloween night. Children and adults dressed as monsters and movie stars are out trick-or-treating, or simply hanging out at a party. Maybe a few chaps are up catching a “Friday the 13th” marathon.
Elsewhere, in Williamsport, 16-year-old Amber Buechling is among many Wiccans and pagans alike celebrating a slightly different holiday, Samhain. Actually, most of what modern-day Halloween is has its roots in Samhain.
“I do celebrate Samhain. However, I also go out and trick-or-treat,” Amber says. The reason is simple: “Free candy!”
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Bewitched by witches? Expand your wisdom
By EMILIE LE BEAU Continue reading Bewitched by witches? Expand your wisdom