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High priestess speaks out on Wicca

By Liz Chretien

EPPING – High Priestess Maria Kay Simms of Kensington spoke to teens Friday about what it really means to be Wiccan as part of Teen Read Week at the Harvey Mitchell Memorial Library.

Simms, an astrologer and author of books including “The Witch’s Circle,” “Time for Magick,” and “Moon Tides, Soul Passages,” said she normally prefers to keep a low profile in the community but chose to speak because of the importance of interested teens understanding the whole concept of Wicca.
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Remote Control Device ‘Controls’ Humans

“We wield remote controls to turn things on and off, make them advance, make them halt. Ground-bound pilots use remotes to fly drone airplanes, soldiers to maneuver battlefield robots.

But manipulating humans?

Prepare to be remotely controlled. I was.

Just imagine being rendered the rough equivalent of a radio-controlled toy car. ”
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The Wiccan way of Halloween


It’s Oct. 31, Halloween night. Children and adults dressed as monsters and movie stars are out trick-or-treating, or simply hanging out at a party. Maybe a few chaps are up catching a “Friday the 13th” marathon.

Elsewhere, in Williamsport, 16-year-old Amber Buechling is among many Wiccans and pagans alike celebrating a slightly different holiday, Samhain. Actually, most of what modern-day Halloween is has its roots in Samhain.

“I do celebrate Samhain. However, I also go out and trick-or-treat,” Amber says. The reason is simple: “Free candy!”
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