Tag Archives: General

James, Tivo, and Wednesday

Well, Autumn got a new job a couple weeks ago, and today is her last day. She doesn’t start at the new job until Thursday, so we had planned to take tomorrow off. We also thought perhaps Jim would have his trial and we could be there if it wasn’t another continuance. About the same time, Tivo, yes Tivo, emailed me and asked me with about 15 others in the Tampa Bay area, to be in a commerical. For our Time we would get this.
But the time they want to do it is tomorrow at 8:30 in new Port Richey, they are closing off an entire street, and Jim’s trial is the same time. So what do we do? Go to the trial.

It would have been cool to be in a commerical, but it isn’t right to not be there.

Piracy Not To Blame In Decline of Moviegoers

“In a somewhat surprisingly earnest assessment, the NYTimes has an article about the massive decline in movie-going that does not once try to blame piracy and file-sharing programs. It sounds like studios are beginning to understand that they have only themselves to blame.”

I would rather stay at home, just my wife and I. Watching a movie we Tivo’ed or something from Netflix. Than spend 30 dollars on two tickets to a movie and some drinks.

read more | digg story

Live Press

I have been trying to get Live+Press to work for a couple days, on and off. I’m so glad it finally works.

It was just a matter of turning on one feature, instead of looking through lines of code. I over think things too much!

Now I can continue to use this blog, and not have to ignore my Live Journal.


Now I post on http://www.cpuangel.com/blog and it posts to http://cpu_angel.livejournal.com and adds a link to http://www.cpuangel.com/blog at the bottom. 🙂