“George Takei, better known as Mr. Sulu from three seasons (and six movies) of the hit TV series Star Trek, has casually come out in a new interview with Frontiers magazine. “Brads my partner, weve been together for 18 years,” Takei tells Frontiers. “Ive been ‘open,’ but I have not talked to the press.”
Continue reading George Takei Comes Out
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Remote Control Device ‘Controls’ Humans
“We wield remote controls to turn things on and off, make them advance, make them halt. Ground-bound pilots use remotes to fly drone airplanes, soldiers to maneuver battlefield robots.
But manipulating humans?
Prepare to be remotely controlled. I was.
Just imagine being rendered the rough equivalent of a radio-controlled toy car. ”
Continue reading Remote Control Device ‘Controls’ Humans
GoldenEye: Source to be publicly released on Christmas
“Well we know its fall and we know theres no release yet. But here hopefully a good early Christmas present that every HL2 fan will enjoy! We will plan to release a beta on Christmas day! Thats right a release on Christmas!” Sweet!
read more | digg storyThe law still wrestles with witchcraft
“With Halloween less than a week away, the 21st century is nearly five years old.
Yet in our age of the Internet and laser surgery and space travel and extreme makeovers, witches and witchcraft continue to fascinate. For instance, when I googled “witchcraft” on my PC, Google came back with 26,001 Web sites. ”
Suicide Mistaken for Halloween Decoration
God that sucks.
‘I use my iPod to store medical images’
Second X-Files film to begin filming
X-Files: Fight the Future director Rob Bowman has high hopes that a sequel to his 1998 movie will soon begin production. All X-files fan lets hope so but it looks go for the sequel.
read more | digg storyBill Gates: “Google is our main competitor…”
“We are not afraid of Google, but there is intense competition between us. Google is our main competitor, brilliant people work there, but Internet search engines are still in a terrible state compared to where they could be,” Gates was quoted as saying in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot.
read more | digg storyMeet the white witch of Harlow
Witch Hunt
“They’re not spooky – just misunderstood. SPM talks to ASU’s real-life witches”