What can I say, besides. This is terrible.
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Five Reasons NOT to use Linux.
I run Linux on my server, linux runs on both my Tivos(of course), my firewall is linux (IP Cop) and I have a linux PDA (Zaurus 5500). Although I do have two machines with windows, but I also have two more Macs..
read more | digg storyBirdlike Plane Beats Its ‘Wings’
“The old saying, “It’s a bird. No, it’s a plane…” could apply to the U.S. military’s new airborne drone that looks like a bird when flying over populated urban areas, but actually functions as a covert spy plane that can “look” into windows and zoom down alleyways.”
This will Make you look twice at birds!
read more | digg storyUntitled
This is never a good thing. China would kick some ass and the U.S. would have to help out, unless of course we took a early WW2 stance, and burried our heads in the sand, until China brought the war to us..
The Epoch Times | CCP Official Claims Sino-Japanese War Possible by Years End
AOL Fined for being too hard to Cancel.
“Finally, AOL takes a hit as it is fined 1.25 million dollars to the State of New York. Along with the fine, AOL has agreed to reform it’s customer service. This may the beginning of the end.”
Ain’t that the truth. “Would you like a free month instead of canceling?”
read more | digg storySummary Of The World: Googlezon And The Newsmasters EPIC 2014
Chinese, Russian Troops Join War Games – Yahoo! News
If this doesn’t scare the crap out of you, it should. Chinese, Russian Troops Join War Games – Yahoo! News
Windows Got Ya Down? Try a Remix
“Remixed versions of Windows abound on file-sharing networks, supercharged with the latest security patches, tools and applications.”
These are the best, put it in and in 20 minutes you have all the service packs, and patches installed, and all the speed tweaks already done.
read more | digg storyLinux creator Torvalds switches to an Apple Mac
Linux creator Linus Torvalds said this afternoon that he’s now running an Apple Macintosh as his main desktop, mainly for work reasons, although partly simply because he’s a self-described “technology whore”.
Torvalds, who initially created Linux for the Intel x86 platform, revealed to the Linux Kernel Mailing List in February during a discussion on kernel size reduction that his main desktop machine no longer featured an x86 processor. Hence, Torvalds said, a patch specific to the x86 platform that he was submitting to the list for consideration was totally untested.
ZDNet Australia was intrigued by this remark, and sought to question Torvalds on why the man who has single-handedly revolutionised the use of Unix on the x86 platform would move away from it, and where he had moved to.
Torvald’s response came quickly and succinctly. “My main machine these days is a dual 2GHz G5 (aka PowerPC 970) – it’s physically a regular Apple Mac, although it obviously only runs Linux, so I don’t think you can call it a Mac any more ;)” he said.
“As to the why … Part of it is simply that I wanted to try something else, and I felt like there were enough people testing the x86 side that it certainly didn’t need me. Part of it is that I personally believe there are two main architectures out there: Power and x86-64 are what _I_ think are the two most relevant ones, and I decided that I had to at least check the other side of it out seriously if I really believed that,” said Torvalds.
However the kernel guru stopped any potential accusations of favouritism in their tracks, saying: “And don’t read anything really deep into that – Linux supports 20+ architectures, and the fact that I personally think that two of them are more likely to be the most relevant really doesn’t mean all that much. It’s just a personal quirk of mine.”
But it turns out that the man who created a revolutionary operating system which he initially described as “just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like GNU”, is probably not all that different from any other technology enthusiast.
“Oh, and part of it is that I got the machine for free,” said Torvalds, “I’m really a technology whore.”
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Victims Sue Thailand, U.S., Accor Over Tsunami
Monday, March 07, 2005 9:20 a.m. ET
VIENNA (Reuters) – U.S. and Austrian lawyers have filed a lawsuit demanding Thailand, U.S. forecasters and the French Accor group answer accusations they failed in a duty to warn populations hit by December’s Tsunami disaster, a lawyer said Monday.
The lawsuit was filed Friday at a New York district court on behalf of tsunami victims by lawyers including U.S. attorney Edward Fagan, internationally renowned for 1990s lawsuits against Swiss banks over Holocaust-era accounts. It demanded an account of their actions on Dec. 26.
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“We expect a hearing within 30 days,” Austrian lawyer Gerhard Podovsovnik told Reuters.
“We don’t earn any money on the lawsuit. We want to help people,” he said. “We are suing to get information.”
The disaster left about 300,000 people dead or missing in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Maldives, Bangladesh and East Africa. Hundreds of thousands lost their homes.
The text of the lawsuit is available on the Web site www.tsunamivictimsgroup.com.
The U.S. and Austrian lawyers filed the lawsuit on behalf of around 60 named plaintiffs from Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands and elsewhere. Podovsovnik said they were also acting on behalf of at least 40 more not named.
The lawsuit suggests the Thai government and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which operates a Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii, failed to issue the requisite warnings.
“Respondent NOAA did not notify all involved countries which lay in the tsunami’s path. From public information it appears that … NOAA failed to issue an alert that would notify countries where the tsunami hit that the deadly wave was coming,” the lawsuit said.
“Published reports emerged that upon receipt of the NOAA alert and other data, the seismological and oceanographic experts of Thailand spent more than one hour talking about what the risk may or may not have been, instead of immediately issuing a warning to their population,” it said.
It also accused Thailand of failing to notify Sri Lanka that a tsunami wave was headed its way.
Among the charges leveled against Accor, the owner of the Sofitel hotel chain, was failure to equip its luxury resort and spa in Khao Lak, Thailand with state-of-the-art seismic detection and warning systems, despite its location “in an earthquake and tsunami fault zone.”
Last month, Accor issued a statement denying media reports of possible negligence in connection with the tsunami disaster. “The allegations concerning Accor are completely unfounded,” Accor said on its Web Site.