Tag Archives: movies

Under their spell

Far below nature’s magic show, I stood outside an old white house on a stretch of freshly cut grass, bemused at the sight of 12 modern witches moving across the lawn in scattered unison, occasionally smiling at one another as they passed. The youthful, contented expressions on their faces as they cast their spells reminded me of something I had seen in movies, but the Hollywood comparisons would end there.


Serenity – “more engaging than any of Lucas’s recent screen entertainment”

“Scene for scene, “Serenity” is more engaging and certainly better written and acted than any of Mr. Lucas’s recent screen entertainments. Mr. Whedon isn’t aiming to conquer the pop-culture universe with a branded mythology; he just wants us to hitch a ride to a galaxy far, far away and have a good time. The journey is the message, not him.”

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Piracy Not To Blame In Decline of Moviegoers

“In a somewhat surprisingly earnest assessment, the NYTimes has an article about the massive decline in movie-going that does not once try to blame piracy and file-sharing programs. It sounds like studios are beginning to understand that they have only themselves to blame.”

I would rather stay at home, just my wife and I. Watching a movie we Tivo’ed or something from Netflix. Than spend 30 dollars on two tickets to a movie and some drinks.

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Christopher Reeve/Superman Dead at 52

MOUNT KISCO, New York (AP) — Actor Christopher Reeve, the star of the “Superman” movies whose near-fatal riding accident nine years ago turned him into a worldwide advocate for spinal cord research, died of heart failure, his publicist said. He was 52.

We always thought you would walk again one day, but I supposed you are now. We’ll all miss you.

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