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Glossary of terms
Published: Saturday, December 03, 2005
Pagan: One who follows or practises an earth-based or nature-based religion.
Neo-pagan: Any of various movements that have flourished since the 1950s, when the British anti-witchcraft laws were repealed.
Wicca: A Neo-pagan religion founded by Gerald Gardner, a British civil servant, in the 1940s. Wiccans often refer to themselves as witches. The religion allows the devout total freedom in their practice of the faith, provided it harms no one, as stipulated by the Wiccan Rede:
“An’ it harm none, do what ye will.”
Druidism: A spiritual philosophy founded on ancient Celtic teachings. Modern Druids gather in groves.
Eclectic paganism: A mixture of beliefs borrowed from various traditions and theologies, which may include Celtic, Norse, eastern
European and Native American.
Pentagram: The five-pointed star symbolizing Western paganism. Each point represents the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit.
Pentacle: A pentagram surrounded by a circle and often fashioned into a pendant.
Coven: An organized group of Wiccans, witches or pagans who work and perform rituals together to help each member achieve their individual goals. It normally consists of three to 13 people.
Wheel of the Year: The yearly cycle of the seasons through the eight sabbats, or Days of Power. In pagan mythology, a goddess turns the wheel to shift the seasons.
Sabbat: Any one of eight Wiccan solar festivals, marked by the four solstices and equinoxes and four other dates in between. They are Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon and Samhain.
Athame: A ceremonial knife, sword or dagger.
Book of Shadows: A book of rituals, recipes and training techniques, and rules employed by a Witch or a coven. Each tradition has its own version of the book, and each book is different as it is traditionally updated by hand. Also known as a grimoire.
Circle: A sanctified area in which magical worship and spells are performed. Can also be used to designate a particular group of Witches or pagans.
Balefire: A communal bonfire lit during the sabbats, particularly during Beltane, Litha and Lughnasadh.
Herbalism: The employment of herbs for the practitioner’s use or benefit.
Spell: A specific ritual designed to change a condition. Also known as spinning, weaving, casting and spellcraft.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Rather than proclaiming peace on Earth this holiday season, self-proclaimed spokesperson for God Jerry Falwell, is launching a holy war.
The Rev. Falwell writes at www.falwell.com, I am calling on pastors, churches and individuals to join Liberty Counsels Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign. We need to draw a line in the sand and resist bullying tactics by the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, the American Atheists and other leftist organizations that intimidate school and government officials by spreading misinformation about Christmas. Celebrating Christmas is constitutional!
Continue reading Untitled
“Clive Wearing has one of the worst cases of amnesia in the world. Once a renowned conductor and musician, Clive was struck down in 1985 byEncephalitis, which caused massive damage to his brain.
Doctors battled to save his life but he was left with a memory that spans just seven seconds. “It’s like being dead . . . one long night with no thoughts, no dreams. Theres no difference between day and night, I havent been conscious in 20 years.”
The only person Clive recognizes is his wife, Deborah, who had been married to him just 18 months when he became ill. The illness has meant they have had to spend the last 20 years of their marriage living apart.
The Man with the 7 Second Memory tells the touching story of Clive and Deborahs lives and how their marriage has survived against the odds. The moving film visits Clive, now 67, in the brain injury unit where he lives under constant supervision. He tells producer, Jane Treays, that she and the camera crew are the first people he has seen in 20 years.
The Man with the 7 Second Memory is produced and directed by award winning British filmmaker Jane Treays.”
The hex files
Officer uses religious expertise to crack unusual cases
Continue reading The hex files
A Tree Grows In Boston
What’s in A Name?
DC’s Thanksgiving is over. And I hope we all had something to be thankful for. Now that our bellies are full we can all get ready to empty our wallets as we speed towards the December “Holidays.” It’s almost time for Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa and, perhaps some other holiday I don’t yet know about.
These past few weeks there’s been a lot of hoopla in Massachusetts (where else) about the possible renaming of a “Christmas Tree.”
Yup, those folks in charge of “stuff” are trying to decide if the official state “Christmas Tree” should instead be called a “Holiday Tree” (to better include other religions and secularists during the “Holiday Season.”
Continue reading A Tree Grows In Boston
Looking Into the Pagan Phenomenon
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, NOV. 26, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Witchcraft is moving into the mainstream in the Netherlands. A Dutch court has ruled that the costs of witchcraft lessons can be tax-deductible, the Associated Press reported Oct. 31.
Continue reading Looking Into the Pagan Phenomenon
The success of the new Harry Potter movie will no doubt have some Christian parents wringing their hands.