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April 7 2009 is a Big Day for Broadcasters..
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Halloween lecture for adults
“The Norton Institute for Continuing Education (NICE) is sponsoring a lecture for adults on the witches of Salem by Gary Hylander at the Norton Public Library on Monday morning, Oct. 31 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Dr. Hylander is a professor of history at Stonehill College.”
April 7 2009 is a Big Day for Broadcasters..
A day after my birthday…
“Thats the date when broadcasters will have to pull the plug on analog transmissions, according to a Senate Commerce Committee draft of a digital-TV “hard-date bill circulated among staffers late last week”
read more | digg story360 degree views of new Video iPod
Charge your electronic devices WIRELESSLY!!
A company called Splashpower has come up with a way to wirelessly charge your electronic devices using electromagnetic induction
read more | digg storySupreme Court rejects case of Wiccan priestess
Harry Potter Wannabes Line Up as Dutch Witches Get Tax Break
More Tax Breaks for Dutch Witches.
Pumpkin Days Of Autumn
Christians and Halloween
Christians and Halloween – Christianity
Christians and Halloween