Tag Archives: General

INVITATION | The Eleventh Annual Barnes Lectureship

As I may have mentioned before, I’m apparently a Brown alumni.. So this is the kinda crap I get in my inbox. Is it spam if they think you’re someone else? I also apparently work in Germany as a lab researcher and volunteer for the fire dept. in North Carolina. I know.. I’m very busy. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Alpert Medical School Events Date: Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:43 AM Subject: INVITATION | The Eleventh Annual Barnes Lectureship To: [image: BarnesLecture_e-flyer FINAL.jpg]




This movie looks promising.

“In 2019, a plague transforms the world’s population into vampires. With fewer humans to provide blood, the vampires seek to farm the remaining humans and to find a way to continue their existence. A secret team of vampires uncover a way that would rescue the human race.

The New Circuit City, Quits Before They Begin

A month or two ago circuitcity.com rose from the ashes, and I have to admit I was kinda excited at the idea, I like Circuit city before they went out of business. i started following them on twitter CircuitCitycom, and just yesterday they announced:


Great news right?  Most things I order off the web are less than 15lbs, I love newegg.com but sometimes you have to hunt for free shipping, I have issues with paying a lot or anything for shipping.

I even retweeted the great news, so did several others.


Happy joy joy!  Right?  Nope…  I come into work today and I see this..

Note that this is backwards order…


So that makes your free shipping standards worse than any other place on the internet.  Amazon is at least $25 and up..


Think maybe I misunderstood what they said?  Try this, on a 3lb backpack they will charge $9 for shipping…


Skynet caused D.C. train crash

They are blaming the D.C. train crash on a computer failure.  Apparently the trail failed to stop even though the conductor pressed the emergency brake.  What’s funny about this?  The conductors main job is only to open the doors during an emergency.  So they sit and ride the train all day?  So why did this failure happen?  Skynet, that’s all I have to say..

via My Way News – Computer failure may have caused D.C. train crash.

Senate Unanimously Approves Resolution Apologizing for Slavery

Please tell me I’m not the only one that thinks this is completely insane? There isn’t a person alive in the united states that had anything to do with slavery.

“The Senate unanimously passed a resolution yesterday apologizing for slavery, making way for a joint congressional resolution and the latest attempt by the federal government to take responsibility for 2 1/2 centuries of slavery.”

via Senate Unanimously Approves Resolution Apologizing for Slavery – washingtonpost.com.

Alifia State park

Despite a couple hard rain showers we had a great weekend.  Our last camping trip we bought an air mattress that didn’t work out, deflating in the middle of the night, we returned it and tried another, which worked great, but the canopy we bought to keep out of the rain didn’t work, and went back.  I’m glad Target has a don’t care return policy, or at least they seem to.  For some reason we keep buying our camping equipment from there.  Our tent was great from the start, so I can’t complain about everything.

Alifia was nice, we will defiantly go again, but I’m going to have to bring my bike, apparently

Alifia is the mountain biking mecca of Florida,the trials looked awesome and if they are half as awesome as the hiking trails I can understand why they’re so popular.

Facebook Gives Major Boost to OpenID

Facebook has adopted the OpenID user-identity framework to simplify how people register for and log into the social networking site.

It means that people will be able to sign into Facebook using their log-in credentials from Gmail. “This is a quicker, more streamlined way for new users to register for the site, find their friends….

read more | digg story

Postie fixes version issue

Finally our beloved Postie doesn’t have to be hacked everything we update it, just to get it to run on a modern word press install.

Read my bitching here.

I don’t mean to be an ass, it just seemed that with each update not fixing something that takes 5mins to comment out and fix, that the issue would just not be fixed.

I appreciated the work Robert Felty has put into this project, so please go and donate to him.

Update or download Postie here.

Again, thanks Robert!