Tag Archives: Life

Alifia State park

Despite a couple hard rain showers we had a great weekend.  Our last camping trip we bought an air mattress that didn’t work out, deflating in the middle of the night, we returned it and tried another, which worked great, but the canopy we bought to keep out of the rain didn’t work, and went back.  I’m glad Target has a don’t care return policy, or at least they seem to.  For some reason we keep buying our camping equipment from there.  Our tent was great from the start, so I can’t complain about everything.

Alifia was nice, we will defiantly go again, but I’m going to have to bring my bike, apparently

Alifia is the mountain biking mecca of Florida,the trials looked awesome and if they are half as awesome as the hiking trails I can understand why they’re so popular.

Leaving Livejournal, Long Live WordPress..

On March 17th 2002 I made my first post on Live Journal, late to the game but I’ve been posting their ever since.

So when I say that I decided over a two years ago to leave Live Journal it wasn’t something I took lightly.  I have always found it interesting the story of how Live Journal was created.

“LiveJournal.com, a blogging platform and online community built around personal journals, was started by Brad Fitzpatrick in April of 1999. It was begun simply as a fun project to entertain himself and some of his friends. As friends told friends, more people joined and it became a huge success. The platform soon grew to be bigger than a single person could easily.”

A toy that snowballed into a phenomenon. For years this was the magic that was Live Journal, a group of people under the leadership of Brad Fitzpatrick that loved what they did and were part of a Live Journal family..  Until In 2005 when Six Apart bought Live Journal. I was worried about Live Journal’s future until I read Brad’s post.  This post made me feel okay with the acquisition, because I felt he was okay with it.  Us Live Journal users looked to him as the Neo of the Live journal Matrix.  I’ve been a paid user of Live journal for years, I’ve ran my own personal servers for years too, so to leave all of my personal thoughts and feelings on someone else’s server and platform was saying something.

“If you think my baby (LiveJournal) will be destroyed, you better think again… I’m there to make sure they keep doing the right thing, but I’m already pretty sure that’s all they will do” – Brad Fitzpatrick

So why did I decide almost two years ago that I could no longer trust Live journal’s servers or it’s platform to keep my thoughts/rants/memories? In 2007 Brad Fitzpatrick Leaves Livejournal Without Brad Fitzpatrick at the helm or at least the helm of the development side, who knows what could become of Live Journal.

Then it happened, just a few months after Brad left Live journal. SUP, an international Russian media company, has acquired LiveJournal

This post sums a lot of thoughts up pretty well.  Russia isn’t known for their respect for their citizens privacy, why would they be respectful of a companies privacy?  Six apart got into enough trouble with over zealous use of account and post deletions.

“Why am I leaving? I simply don’t trust this place anymore, and neither should you (citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]). Read those links.” – Aaron B. Russell

So I am leaving Live journal and have moved my blog to cpuangel.com I’ve installed Open Id on it and several other plugins that make it more than worth the switch. I haven’t stopped cross posting to Live journal from WordPress and will continue to do so, with a plugin called Live+Press, as I have a few friends still on Live journal.  And why the hell not keep a backup?  Now if Livejournal, Inc. decides I posted something they want to delete my account for, they can fly a kite, my data lives on servers I trust and I back up often.

The Status Change of The Times

I hate how I write about something and months later the link dies, so I’m trying to keep all of it in here, not trying to take credit for it at all.

Unfortunately the story below illustrates what most of us hip youngsters already know, people take status changes in Facebook, myspace, twitter, too seriously.  “OMG you don’t like him/her anymore?”  “You don’t like that movie/music artist/etc anymore?!”  “OMGWTFBBQLOLCOPTER”

If you and your spouse decide to “seperate” and facebook tell you “OMG THEY ARE SINGLE NOW”  count to 10, take a walk, and not a walk to their house to cut them up and hid them in the basement..  Jeeze..


“Joe Biden and Count Dracula are no longer in a relationship”

<Story Below>

By Paul Cheston

Husband hacked wife to death with meat cleaver after she changed Facebook status to single

A husband who hacked his wife to death with a meat cleaver in fury over her Facebook entry was jailed for a minimum of 14 years at the Old Bailey today.

Wayne Forrester, 34, drank alcohol and took cocaine before driving 15 miles to the family home to attack wife Emma as she lay in bed.

The couple had separated four days before the murder in February and Forrester later told police he had been provoked by his wife changing her marital status to “single” on her Facebook entry, the court heard.


Forrester, a HGV driver, admitted murder in February this year in New Addington, near Croydon.

Emma was found in a pool of blood after neighbours were woken at 6.30am by her screams. Near her body was a large kitchen knife and in another room a blood-soaked meat cleaver.

Jailing him for life, the Common Serjeant of London Brian Barker QC said: “Your wife ended the relationship. Your reaction was one of anger and resentment.

“There is no possible excuse or justification.

“This is a tragic killing of a young woman and what you have done has called untold anguish.”

The court heard that the Forresters had a “volatile and unstable marriage characterised by periods of separation and reconciliation”.

Alex Lewis, prosecuting, said that while Forrester was in and out of work and cared little for family life, his wife took two jobs to make ends meet.

Her parents supported the pair financially and moved home closer to them to help their daughter.

Four days before the murder Forrester moved out of the family home to stay with his sister in Paddington. He repeatedly called home and threatened to kill her.

Ms Lewis said: “He was angry about an entry on Facebook he said made him look like a fool as she had advertised her marital status as single. He accused her of having an affair.”


Agony: Emma’s parents Frances and Robert Rothery at the Old Bailey today

Forrester drove to Croydon armed with the knife and meat cleaver and forced the front door open. After neighbours called 999 he emerged from the house covered in blood and holding a carton of juice.

When the police arrived he held his arms out for handcuffs and told them: “Who called you? My wife is in there. I killed her.”

Inside the house they found Mrs Forrester’s body with a large wound in her neck. Two bannister rails had been broken off and there were clumps of long brown hair outside the bedroom.

She had multiple wounds to her neck and head and defence wounds to her arms showing she had fought to ward off the blows.

Forrester later handed detectives a prepared statement in which he said: “She forced me out of the family home and posted messages on the internet website telling everybody she had left me and was interested in meeting other men.”

He went on: “The whole incident seemed a blur. I felt I was watching somebody else attacking Emma.”

In an impact statement the victim’s sister Eliza Rothery said the family had been devastated by the murder.

Peter Dahlsen, defending, said Forrester felt “a deeply held remorse”.

The Status Change of The Times

I hate how I write about something and months later the link dies, so I’m trying to keep all of it in here, not trying to take credit for it at all.

Unfortunately the story below illustrates what most of us hip youngsters already know, people take status changes in Facebook, myspace, twitter, too seriously.  “OMG you don’t like him/her anymore?”  “You don’t like that movie/music artist/etc anymore?!”  “OMGWTFBBQLOLCOPTER”

If you and your spouse decide to “seperate” and facebook tell you “OMG THEY ARE SINGLE NOW”  count to 10, take a walk, and not a walk to their house to cut them up and hid them in the basement..  Jeeze..


“Joe Biden and Count Dracula are no longer in a relationship”

<Story Below>

By Paul Cheston

Husband hacked wife to death with meat cleaver after she changed Facebook status to single

A husband who hacked his wife to death with a meat cleaver in fury over her Facebook entry was jailed for a minimum of 14 years at the Old Bailey today.

Wayne Forrester, 34, drank alcohol and took cocaine before driving 15 miles to the family home to attack wife Emma as she lay in bed.

The couple had separated four days before the murder in February and Forrester later told police he had been provoked by his wife changing her marital status to “single” on her Facebook entry, the court heard.

Continue reading The Status Change of The Times


EDMONTON, January 18, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – It would seem there is truth to the warnings against the Harry Potter series if the opening of an honest-to-goodness witchcraft school in Canada is any indication of increased interest in the occult that has resulted from the books.

The new school, Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, is compared to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter books by a CanWest News Service report. The school offers diploma and two-year certificate programs, open to adults only. The school teaches potions, astrology, tarot, hypnotherapy, divination, magic and other occult practices, among other subjects.

Canada Opens First “Hogwarts” Witchcraft School