Tag Archives: Tech

Live Press

I have been trying to get Live+Press to work for a couple days, on and off. I’m so glad it finally works.

It was just a matter of turning on one feature, instead of looking through lines of code. I over think things too much!

Now I can continue to use this blog, and not have to ignore my Live Journal.


Now I post on http://www.cpuangel.com/blog and it posts to http://cpu_angel.livejournal.com and adds a link to http://www.cpuangel.com/blog at the bottom. 🙂

Linux creator Torvalds switches to an Apple Mac

Linux creator Linus Torvalds said this afternoon that he’s now running an Apple Macintosh as his main desktop, mainly for work reasons, although partly simply because he’s a self-described “technology whore”.

Torvalds, who initially created Linux for the Intel x86 platform, revealed to the Linux Kernel Mailing List in February during a discussion on kernel size reduction that his main desktop machine no longer featured an x86 processor. Hence, Torvalds said, a patch specific to the x86 platform that he was submitting to the list for consideration was totally untested.

ZDNet Australia was intrigued by this remark, and sought to question Torvalds on why the man who has single-handedly revolutionised the use of Unix on the x86 platform would move away from it, and where he had moved to.

Torvald’s response came quickly and succinctly. “My main machine these days is a dual 2GHz G5 (aka PowerPC 970) – it’s physically a regular Apple Mac, although it obviously only runs Linux, so I don’t think you can call it a Mac any more ;)” he said.

“As to the why … Part of it is simply that I wanted to try something else, and I felt like there were enough people testing the x86 side that it certainly didn’t need me. Part of it is that I personally believe there are two main architectures out there: Power and x86-64 are what _I_ think are the two most relevant ones, and I decided that I had to at least check the other side of it out seriously if I really believed that,” said Torvalds.

However the kernel guru stopped any potential accusations of favouritism in their tracks, saying: “And don’t read anything really deep into that – Linux supports 20+ architectures, and the fact that I personally think that two of them are more likely to be the most relevant really doesn’t mean all that much. It’s just a personal quirk of mine.”

But it turns out that the man who created a revolutionary operating system which he initially described as “just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like GNU”, is probably not all that different from any other technology enthusiast.

“Oh, and part of it is that I got the machine for free,” said Torvalds, “I’m really a technology whore.”


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Image flaw exposes Windows PCs

Microsoft has issued a warning about a critical vulnerability in Windows that could let carefully crafted pictures act as bearers of malicious code.

The flaw was found in the code that the operating system and other Windows programs use to display images prepared in the popular Jpeg format.

The vulnerability has been found in more than a dozen Microsoft programs.

Millions affected

At risk programs include Office XP 2003, Office 2003, Windows Server 2003, Internet Explorer 6 plus some versions of Digital Image Pro and Picture It.

The software giant urged all users who are at risk to download and install a patch for the vulnerability.

Microsoft has also produced a tool that helps users find out if they are running software that contains the vulnerable computer code.

It said that the flaw could only be exploited if users are tricked into opening an image crafted to exploit the vulnerability.

Anyone falling victim to the loophole could have their computer taken over by an attacker.

Microsoft said that it had no evidence that the Jpeg loophole was being actively exploited.

However, because Internet Explorer is one of the programs vulnerable it is theoretically possible that someone could fall victim to a virus written to exploit the flaw just by visiting a website that used such carefully crafted images.

Any image written to exploit the flaw could prove successful because before now people have fallen victims to e-mail viruses when they clicked on attachments that claimed to be a picture.

The flaw in the way that Windows handles the popular Jpeg file format is called a buffer over-run.

Many old viruses have used buffer over-runs to get malicious code on to target machines.

The advisory about the Jpeg flaw is the 28th advisory that Microsoft has issued this year. Often these advisories detail several vulnerabilities. One advisory issued in April mentioned more than 20 separate loopholes in Windows XP.

Microsoft said that anyone who has downloaded and installed the SP2 update for Windows XP is not at risk from this vulnerability.

However, anti-virus firm Sophos said those that have installed SP2 should not be complacent.

“If you are running applications on XP SP 2 which do have the flaw you could be putting your computer at risk,” said Graham Cluley from anti-virus firm Sophos.

Mr Cluley urged users in such a situation to download and apply the patch.
