Wow, where do I sign up for this tax break? Oh wait, not in the USA. Can you imagine what people would say if they did this in America?
Taxman allows witchcraft write-off. 29/09/2005. ABC News Online
Wow, where do I sign up for this tax break? Oh wait, not in the USA. Can you imagine what people would say if they did this in America?
Taxman allows witchcraft write-off. 29/09/2005. ABC News Online
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. We’ve been hearing this for a couple months now. Lets come out with it already if it is true!
This is a nice write up of the Autumnal Equinox.
I don’t know what to think about this…. Apparently this isn’t the first time this has happened.
The Epoch Times | Dragon-shaped Flying Object Appears in Jilin Province
This was found in a college newspaper in Marysville,CA,USA. The article seemed to sum everything up very well, although the title should have been spell checked “Withes on Campus”, this may be a good source for people, trying to explain Wicca or Witchcraft, to others.
Out of the Broom Closet – Prospector – Campus Life
The website asks you to register, you can use
A full copy of the article if you would rather not go through all that.
Continue reading Out of the Broom Closet – Prospector – Campus Life
“The 17-year-old admitted last week in federal court to a series of crimes that including hacking Internet and phone service providers, and making bomb threats to high schools in Florida and Massachusetts over a 15-month period.”
Watch how many people will stand up and say, “All he did was hack into her Treo! Why does he get 11 months?” Well because he did a lot of other bad stuff too!
” Hilton could not be reached for comment on the case because she was traveling in a country where her cell phone does not work, her publicist Robert Zimmerman said Wednesday.”
If that isn’t the line of the day, I don’t know what is.
Oh boy…. And this worked on two women?
“Emotionally and financially worn man settles with RIAA, despite his claims of innocence.”
This is Bull Shit!
read more | digg story“Tiger update 10.4.3 will contain around 100 more bug fixes, iChat will get “document sharing”, and also tabbed IM’s!”
Very Cool
read more | digg story