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Should Wiccan veterans be able to get pentacles on headstones?

There are witches in foxholes. But unlike their peers in more mainstream religions, when Wiccan veterans die, they cannot get the symbol of their religion, the pentacle, inscribed on their government-funded headstones.Now, witches, including some on the North Shore, are trying to change that. Two separate groups have asked the federal government to approve their star-in-circle symbol for use on deceased veterans’ grave markers.

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Vampire seeks Minnesota governor’s job

There is just so much wrong with this…
MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – Minnesota voters, who eight years ago elected a former professional wrestler as their governor, may find a self-proclaimed vampire on the ballot for the office this year.

“Politics is a cut-throat business,” said Jonathan “The Impaler” Sharkey, who said he plans to announce his bid for governor on Friday on the ticket of the Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Party.

Like Jesse “The Body” Ventura, who was elected governor as an independent in 1998, the 41-year-old Sharkey once was a wrestler, although he spent his time “The Unholiest of Kings: Tarantula” on obscure professional circuits.

“I’m a Satanist who doesn’t hate Jesus,” Sharkey told Reuters. “I just hate God the Father.”

US News Article | Reuters.com

Tarot Astrology Christian View Fortune Telling Psychic

As Israel’s King Saul was coming to the nadir, and indeed the end, of his reign, he paid a visit to the medium of Endor (1 Samuel 28:6). He did this only after “the Lord did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets.” Saul knew mediums were forbidden by God, so he assumed a disguise and asked the witch to call up the spirit of deceased Samuel. This is of course ironic, because Samuel himself would have forbidden Saul to do such a thing—in fact, the story reveals that Samuel was none too pleased to be summoned. Witchcraft was wrong because Israel was to live by the Word of God, both in its written form and according to the living prophetic voice, in this case Samuel’s.

Benin celebrates National Voodoo Day

OUIDAH, Benin, Jan. 10 (UPI) — The African country of Benin celebrated National Voodoo Day Tuesday with rites that included dancing, drumming and animal sacrifice.

The festival took place at “the point of no return,” a beach where slaves were loaded on ships for the voyage across the Atlantic, the BBC reported.

About 65 percent of Benin’s population practices Voodoo, a belief that natural forces and materials have spiritual force as well. National Voodoo Day has been a holiday in the country for 10 years.

“People have a negative image of voodoo because of some of the bad practices, a sort of witchcraft, where you can put a bad spell on someone when you are jealous of that person,” said Martine de Sousa, a former curator of the National Voodoo Museum. “That is totally different from voodoo.”

United Press International – NewsTrack


So I was noticing that my firewall is about to break it’s personal uptime record:

Which is okay, it’s patched and everything.

I looked at some of the top uptime records on the site I use to keep track of these things.
Uptime Project
At the time of me writing this, three of the top ten are windows boxes..  That’s frightening, unless they know of some supers secret ninja way of patching a windows system for 5 years without a reboot.

This should be a criminal act…  Really, someone should kill these people and patch their windows boxes…

How I live a Pagan life in a Christian culture

By Liz Grimes
Special to the News & Record

My personal life is firmly rooted in my pagan beliefs. I try hard to live as gently on this earth as possible, to respect Mother Nature and be grateful for all that she provides to us. I know that whatever actions and thoughts I put forth in this world will come back to me. This is my driving force for all relationships. I work hard to be close to, recognize, love and honor the divine in everyone around me. This is the foundation for my life.

More – News-Record.com – Greensboro, North Carolina: News