Croatian Smurfs left blue-faced as world record attempt falls sadly short
Nice, as far as I know, there still isn’t a way to have a program determine what a image contains..
Paganism gaining popularity in prison – Yahoo! News
STAUNTON, Va. – A pagan religion that some experts say can be interpreted as encouraging violence is gaining popularity among prison inmates, one of whom is scheduled to be executed this week for killing a fellow prisoner at the foot of an altar.
Michael Lenz is scheduled to die Thursday for the death of Brent Parker, who was stabbed dozens of times at Augusta Correctional Center during a gathering of inmates devoted to Asatru, whose followers worship Norse gods. At his trial, Lenz testified that Parker had not been taking the religion seriously and had to die to protect the honor of the gods.
One theory behind the Salem witch trials suggests that the community’s rye crop, infected with ergot, may have been partially to blame for the odd behaviour of its citizens.
read more | digg storyMore and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today
read more | digg story“The Last Witchfinder” is a novel with two different authors, only one of whose names appears on the cover. He is James Morrow, a writer whose reputation has not caught up with his accomplishments. Mr. Morrow is a very odd bird, a novelist of intellect, bravado and wildly phantasmagorical imagination. In the eight works of fiction that precede this one and have sometimes fused satire, philosophy and science fiction, he has, among other things, envisioned a literal Godhead the size of Delaware.
Sure, this is very cool, but I think it’s easier to use a peeler than to boil it and then put it in ice water.
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