Tag Archives: General
Pumpkin Days Of Autumn
Christians and Halloween
Christians and Halloween – Christianity
Christians and Halloween
Firefox 1.5 Beta 2 Out Now
Firefox 1.5 Beta 2 is now available for download. This is the second Beta release of our next generation Firefox browser, to be released later this year, and it is being made available to our developer and testing community for compatibility testing and to solicit feedback.
read more | digg storyUnaware that you can record music off the radio, RIAA sues XM & Sirius
These people are a pack of stupid. I don’t think they understand suing everyone will kill them in the end.
read more | digg storyLG Light Scribe DVD Burner (with pics)
“Light scribe is a technology that allows you to burn an image on the other side of the disc. LG has announced its light scribe burner supporting every format including RAM and DL.”
read more | digg storySerenity – “more engaging than any of Lucas’s recent screen entertainment”
“Scene for scene, “Serenity” is more engaging and certainly better written and acted than any of Mr. Lucas’s recent screen entertainments. Mr. Whedon isn’t aiming to conquer the pop-culture universe with a branded mythology; he just wants us to hitch a ride to a galaxy far, far away and have a good time. The journey is the message, not him.”
read more | digg storySerenity Tomorrow
So if you ever watched Firefly, then you will most definitely be going to see this movie either tonight, tomorrow or as soon as you can. This movie was made because the fan base of Firefly rallied for it. I really hope this movie does well, and then hopefully we can get Firefly back on television.
Record Labels Want a Piece of iPod Revenues… Figures…
“The record industry is now pursuing variable pricing for songs, but it also wants a share of iPod revenues. Greedy bastards!”
OH c’mon! You have got to be kidding.
read more | digg storyDragon-shaped Flying Object Appears in Jilin Province
I don’t know what to think about this…. Apparently this isn’t the first time this has happened.
The Epoch Times | Dragon-shaped Flying Object Appears in Jilin Province