Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. We’ve been hearing this for a couple months now. Lets come out with it already if it is true!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Coming soon: Autumnal balancing act : The Daily World
This is a nice write up of the Autumnal Equinox.
World Jump Day
This is crazy
Dragon-shaped Flying Object Appears in Jilin Province
I don’t know what to think about this…. Apparently this isn’t the first time this has happened.
The Epoch Times | Dragon-shaped Flying Object Appears in Jilin Province Uganda [interview]: Do Traditional Healers Stand a Chance in Today’s Society?
My understanding of Witch doctors in Africa, is that they tend to be a little harmful, ok very harmful. Uganda [interview]: Do Traditional Healers Stand a Chance in Today’s Society?
Out of the Broom Closet – Prospector – Campus Life
This was found in a college newspaper in Marysville,CA,USA. The article seemed to sum everything up very well, although the title should have been spell checked “Withes on Campus”, this may be a good source for people, trying to explain Wicca or Witchcraft, to others.
Out of the Broom Closet – Prospector – Campus Life
The website asks you to register, you can use
A full copy of the article if you would rather not go through all that.
Continue reading Out of the Broom Closet – Prospector – Campus Life
Paris Hilton hacker sentenced to juvenile hall
“The 17-year-old admitted last week in federal court to a series of crimes that including hacking Internet and phone service providers, and making bomb threats to high schools in Florida and Massachusetts over a 15-month period.”
Watch how many people will stand up and say, “All he did was hack into her Treo! Why does he get 11 months?” Well because he did a lot of other bad stuff too!
” Hilton could not be reached for comment on the case because she was traveling in a country where her cell phone does not work, her publicist Robert Zimmerman said Wednesday.”
If that isn’t the line of the day, I don’t know what is.
Gallery 2.0 Released!
I’ve been using Gallery for a couple years now, and Gallery 2 for quite sometime now, it’s a great project.
Ah, the old “married in a previous life” trick |
Oh boy…. And this worked on two women?
My South Beach Diet Adventure
For the last two weeks, Autumn and I have been on the South Beach diet.
We read the book first to make sure we got off to a good start, and started on August 27th.
As of September 10th, I’ve lost 12lbs. Autumn has lost 10 lbs. I feel better and all my clothes fit better. We are continuing with a combination of Phase 1 & 2. We have eliminated most sugars and all white flour from our diet and lives. In the process of this diet, we have been eating more organic foods, and most of the recipes we have found for South Beach, are really good and make eating more enjoyable. Last night we had whole grain spaghetti and organic spaghetti sauce, with whole grain bread and spices. Similar to what Carrabba’s gives you with their bread.
I have not been drinking anything but; water, Arizona No Carb Green tea, light Lemonade, and occasionally some Coke Zero. I began the diet drinking diet Coke and Pepsi, which made me ill, I don’t like diet soda…. When I stopped drinking it, I felt a lot better.
I would recommend to anyone looking to lose weight, or even just eat right, to go pick up Dr. Arthur Agaston’s South Beach Diet Book at your library, or hell even buy it. If you’re too busy to read a book, it’s on two cds as well.
And no, this isn’t a paid advertisement. 😉