Category Archives: Uncategorized
Record Labels Want a Piece of iPod Revenues… Figures…
“The record industry is now pursuing variable pricing for songs, but it also wants a share of iPod revenues. Greedy bastards!”
OH c’mon! You have got to be kidding.
read more | digg storyRonald McDonald gets a makeover |
Pagans seek to inform and to connect
A write up of out local Pagan Pride Day celebration. I’ll be there!
Welcome to Autumn, happy Mabon!
“Today, daylight and nightdark are equal.
From tomorrow on, the nights will be longer than the days.
The cool winds of fall have chased summer’s heat.
The leafs die in gold and fire.
May the journey to begin,
the journey into dark and foggy nights,
be the a journey on your paths within,
which lead to your inner light.”
© Diana Sasse
5 Things to Know About Halloween Office Parties
“- Religious accommodation. Some employees, such as followers of the Celtic-based religion Wicca, might consider Halloween itself a religious holiday. Employers could get into trouble if those employees request the day off as a religious holiday and the employers do not accommodate them. Employers should be prepared for this type of request.”
Faith – Dark chocolate, light-hearted ritual
Ray Kurzweil accelerates change at weekend confab |
Chicago, Midwest Pagans Sending Aid to Katrina Victims
Always nice to see someone in the community doing good.